Welcome to

Community Portal

The Catholic Education South Australia Community Portal ("Community Portal") is an online tool provided for parents/legal guardians ("caregivers") to access timely and secure information about their children, and for caregivers to request updates to information about their children. Caregivers of children attending Catholic Education South Australia schools and preschools are provided with their own unique user account for the Community Portal. By activating a user account, caregivers agree to abide by and support the terms of use and user expectations set forth in this agreement ("Agreement").
A) Rights and Responsibilities
Access to the Community Portal is a free service offered to all current and active caregivers of children attending Catholic Education South Australia schools and preschools. Only after a family has enrolled their child(ren) in a Catholic Education South Australia school or preschool will a caregiver be authorised to activate a Community Portal user account. Once a student withdraws or graduates from the Catholic Education South Australia school or preschool, such access will be deactivated. Caregivers and staff must understand and practice proper and ethical use.
B) Information Accuracy Responsibilities
Information accuracy is the joint responsibility of Catholic Education South Australia and caregivers. Each school will make every attempt to ensure information is accurate and complete. If a caregiver discovers any inaccurate information, they have a responsibility to notify their school immediately.
C) Use of Community Portal
Caregivers understand and agree to adhere to the following:
  • Act in a responsible, ethical, and legal manner. Anyone identified as a security risk will be denied access to the site.
  • Not attempt to harm or destroy the school’s or Catholic Education South Australia’s data, or networks.
  • Not attempt to access information concerning any students other than that of their own child(ren) or any account assigned to another person
  • Not use the Community Portal for any illegal activity, including, but not limited to violation of the Privacy Act 1988. Anyone found to be in violation of these laws may be subject to civil and/or criminal prosecution.
  • Notify their school immediately if you identify a security problem within the Community Portal without demonstrating the problem to anyone else.
  • Immediately notify the school/preschool if information concerning any student or child, other than that of their own child(ren), is accidently made available to them.
  • Not share their password or allow anyone other than themselves to use their Community Portal account, including their own child(ren).
  • Not set any computer to automatically log into Community Portal.
  • Log out of their Community Portal user account when they are not at their computer.

D) Security Features
Access is made available through a secure Internet site. Account holders are responsible for not sharing their passwords and to properly protect or destroy any printed or electronic documentation generated from, or about the Community Portal site.
The users will be automatically logged off if they leave their web browser open and inactive for a predetermined period of time.
The caregiver account will be permanently deactivated when their children have either withdrawn or graduated from a Catholic Education South Australia school or preschool, or a court action denies the caregiver access to their child/children’s information.